6 minute read

Vim is an awesome editor and you can find the Vim simlulator in lots of popular editors(such as Intellij Idea, Atom, Sublime Text). it will make your life more easy if you familiar with the common Vim commands.

Basic Knowledge

Not like the normal editor, Vim group the text operations into three common modes: Normal, Insert, Visual.1

When we open a document using Vim, we are in Normal mode. In this mode we can browse the content of document and do some delete and paste operations. We can always go back to this mode by Esc

If we want to add some text, we need to switch to Insert mode, there are multiple keys which can lead us to this mode, such as i, a, o, O.

If we want to copy some text, we need to switch to Visual mode. the key v can lead us to this mode.

The common pattern of command in Vim is mode+motion, we will see how it works in next section.

Normal mode is the main mode, we always need to go back this mode and then switch to another mode.



Scenario Mode Command
Go to the next character of current line Normal l
Go to the previous character of current line Normal h
Go to the beginning of current line Normal 0
Go to the ending of current line Normal $
Go to the next nth character of current line Normal <n>l
Go to the previous nth character of current line Normal <n>h
Find the next position of given character in current line Normal f<c>
Find the previous position of given character in current line Normal F<c>


Scenario Mode Command
Go to the next ending of word Normal e
Go to the next beginning of word Normal w
Go to the previous beginning of word Normal b
Go to the previous ending of word Normal ge
Go to the next nth beginning of word Normal <n>w
Go to the next nth ending of word Normal <n>e
Go to the previous nth beginning of word Normal <n>b
Go to the previous nth ending of word Normal <n>ge


Scenario Mode Command
Go to the beginning of current document Normal gg
Go to the ending of current document Normal G
Go to the next line Normal k
Go to the previous line Normal j
Go to the next nth line Normal <n>j
Go to the previous nth line Normal <n>k
Go to the given line number Normal <n>gg


Scenario Mode Command
Go to next page Normal Ctrl+f
Go to previous page Normal Ctrl+b
Go to next paragraph Normal }
Go to previous paragraph Normal {



Scenario Mode Command
Delete the character under cursor Normal x
Delete the character before cursor Normal X
Delete the next nth characters(include current cursor) in current line Normal <n>x
Delete the previous nth characters(not include current cursor) in current line Normal <n>X
Delete all characters from cursor(include) until next given character(not include) in current line Normal dt<c>
Delete all characters from cursor(not include) until previous given character(not include) in current line Normal dT<c>
Delete all characters from cursor(include) to next given character(include) in current line Normal df<c>
Delete all characters from cursor(not include) to previous given character(include) in current line Normal dF<c>
Delete all characters after cursor(include) in current line Normal D or d$
Delete all characters before cursor(not include) in current line Normal d0


Scenario Mode Command
Delete all characters from cursor(include) to the next beginning of word Normal dw
Delete all characters from cursor(include) to the next ending of word Normal de
Delete all characters from cursor(not include) to the previous beginning of word Normal db
Delete all characters from cursor(not include) to the previous ending of word Normal dge
Delete all characters from cursor(include) to the next nth beginning of word Normal d<n>w
Delete all characters from cursor(include) to the next nth ending of word Normal d<n>e
Delete all characters from cursor(not include) to the previous nth beginning of word Normal d<n>b
Delete all characters from cursor(not include) to the previous nth ending of word Normal d<n>ge


Scenario Mode Command
Delete the current line Normal dd
Delete the lines from beginning to current line(include) Normal dgg
Delete the lines from current line(include) to ending Normal dG
Delete the next nth lines(include current line) Normal <n>dd or d<n-1>j
Delete the previous nth lines(include current line) Normal d<n-1>k
Delete the lines from current line(include) to the given line number Normal d<n>gg


Senario Mode Command
Delete all characters from cursor to the ending of current paragraph Normal d}
Delete all characters from the beginning of current paragraph to cursor Normal d{
Delete the next nth paragraph Normal d<n>}
Delete the previous nth paragraph Normal d<n>{

Column Mode

Scenario Mode Command
Delete the same range of continuous lines Normal
Blockwise Visual



Scenario Mode Command
Insert text before cursor Normal
Insert text after cursor Normal


Scenario Mode Command
Insert text before current line Normal
Insert text after current line Normal
Insert text at the beginning of current line Normal
Insert text at the ending of current line Normal

Column Mode

Scenario Mode Command
Insert same text at the same position of continuous lines Normal
Blockwise Visual



Scenario Mode Command
Select text by character Normal
Characterwise Visual


Scenario Mode Command
Select text by line Normal
Linewise Visual


Scenario Mode Command
Select text by block Normal
Blockwise Visual



Scenario Mode Command
Copy all characters from cursor until the next given character(not include) Normal yt<c>
Copy all characters from cursor to the next given character(include) Normal yf<c>
Copy all characters from the previous given character(not include) to cursor Normal yT<c>
Copy all characters from the previous given character(include) to cursor Normal yF<c>


Scenario Mode Command
Copy all characters from cursor to the next beginning of word Normal yw
Copy all characters from cursor to the next ending of word Normal ye
Copy all characters from cursor to the next nth beginning of word Normal y<n>w
Copy all characters from cursor to the next nth ending of word Normal y<n>e
Copy all characters from cursor to the previous beginning of word Normal yb
Copy all characters from cursor to the previous ending of word Normal yge
Copy all characters from cursor to the previous nth beginning of word Normal y<n>b
Copy all characters from cursor to the previous nth ending of word Normal y<n>ge


Scenario Mode Command
Copy current line Normal yy or Y
Copy the next nth lines Normal <n>yy
Copy the previous nth lines Normal y<n-1>k


Scenario Mode Command
Copy current paragraph Normal y}
Copy the next nth paragraph Normal y<n>}
Copy the previous nth paragraph Normal y<n>{
Copy all the characters in surround(not include) Normal yi<symbol>
Copy all the characters in surround(include) Normal ya<symbol>



Scenario Mode Command
Paste after cursor Normal p
Paste befor cursor Normal P


Scenario Mode Command
Paste text before current line Normal :pu!
Paste text after current line Normal :pu
Paste text before the given line number Normal :<n>pu!
Paste text after the given line number Normal :<n>pu



Scenario Mode Command
Replace all the characters from cursor to the ending of current line Normal
Replace character under cursor with other character Normal r<c>
Swith the character under cursor to uppercase/lowercase Normal ~


Scenario Mode Command
Replace all occurances of given pattern to another string Normal :%s/<given pattern>/<target string>/g


According to this blog, you already can do most of work in Vim. If you want to make your Vim more fancy and tune your workflow, you may want to play some Vim plugins. The following steps may help you to enjoy it.

  1. Choose a Vim implementation to play

    There are several implementations you can choose

  2. Set up your .vimrc configuration

    The first thing you need to do is choosing a plugin manager, vim-plug is a good choice for beginner. but the easiest way may just copy an existing dotfile from GitHub.

  3. Try different plugins

    vimawesome is a good place to find vim plugins, for beginner you may need the following feature

    • Theme
    • File Finder
    • Syntax
    • Motion
    • Code Complement
    • Code Format

That’s it, Hope you enjoy the Vim journey!



