1 minute read

What is variance in Scala?

The variance defines the inheritance relationships of parameterized types. Scala has there types of variance

  • Covariant

    Given we have a parameterized type T[+A]

    When type C is subtype of type P

    Then T[C] is subtype of T[P]

  • Contravariant

    Given we have a parameterized type T[-A]

    When type C is subtype of type P

    Then T[P] is subtype of T[C]

  • Invariant

    Given we have a parameterized type T[A]

    When type C is subtype of type P

    Then T[P] and T[C] are unrelated

The scenario I want to talk about

I want to talk about the behaviour of variance in inheritance of parameterized types.

Let’s say we have the following types

trait Parent[+T]
case class Child1[T](v:T) extends Parent[T]
case class Child2[+T](v:T) extends Parent[T]

Is there any different between Child1 and Child2?

Let’s do some experiments

  • Assign Child[Int] to Parent[Any]

    • without type parameter

      @ val parent1:Parent[Any] = Child1(1)
      parent1: Parent[Any] = Child1(1)
      @ val parent2:Parent[Any] = Child2(1)
      parent2: Parent[Any] = Child2(1)
    • with type parameter

      @ val parent1:Parent[Any] = Child1[Int](1)
      parent1: Parent[Any] = Child1(1)
      @ val parent2:Parent[Any] = Child2[Int](1)
      parent2: Parent[Any] = Child2(1)

    We can see they all follow the covariant rule, the difference between Child1 and Child2 has no impact to Parent

  • Assign Child[Int] to Child[Any]

    • without type parameter

      @ val child1:Child1[Any] = Child1(1)
      child1: Child1[Any] = Child1(1)
      @ val child2:Child2[Any] = Child2(1)
      child2: Child2[Any] = Child2(1)

      There is no different behaviour

    • with type parameter

      @ val child1:Child1[Any] = Child1[Int](1)
      cmd14.sc:1: type mismatch;
       found   : ammonite.$sess.cmd1.Child1[Int]
       required: ammonite.$sess.cmd1.Child1[Any]
      Note: Int <: Any, but class Child1 is invariant in type T.
      You may wish to define T as +T instead. (SLS 4.5)
      val child1:Child1[Any] = Child1[Int](1)
      Compilation Failed
      @ val child2:Child2[Any] = Child2[Int](1)
      child2: Child2[Any] = Child2(1)

      Child1 follow the invariant rule, Child2 follow the covariant rule, just like their definition

You may ask what about this

case class Child3[-T](v:T) extends Parent[T]

Unfortunately you can’t define this type, there will be an error

contravariant type T occurs in covariant position in type [-T]AnyRef


According to the above experiments, we can get a conclusion:

The variance of type parameter has no relation with the inheritance of parameterized type, it was just decided by the current type


