Scala Tutorial 1
What does the scala project looks like?
By default, sbt follows Maven project layout i.e. Scala source files are placed inside src/main/scala and test source files are placed inside src/test/scala
Setting dependency, project configuration, task, scalac options, and so on.
Setting the plugin of this project
Setting the sbt version
Define the custom task or configuration
How to create a scala project?
Copy an exsiting project, then modify the build.sbt, plugin.sbt, to use your project configuration
Generate an universal project structure by shell script, here is an example
sbt support Giter8 template, we can generate an project structure from an template
sbt new sjmyuan/scala-seed.g8
For more template, please visit the Giter8 wiki
How to config project?
:= is a function defined in the sbt library. It is used to define a setting that overwrites any previous value without referring to other settings.
Common options
name := "tasky" version := "0.1.0" scalaVersion := "2.11.6" sbtVersion := "0.13.8"
scala compiler options
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-feature", "-language:_", "-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-encoding", "utf8")
You can find all the options by following command
sbt settings
How to add dependency?
Dependency has following format in which the configuration is optional:
groupID % artifactID % version % configuration
We can add dependency like this:
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.2.6" % "test" // add single dependency
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.typesafe.slick" %% "slick" % "2.1.0",
"net.databinder" %% "unfiltered-netty-server" % "0.8.4") // add multiple dependencies
How to add plugin?
Add following settings into plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("net.virtual-void" % "sbt-dependency-graph" % "0.7.4")
How to add another repository?
resolvers += "Scalaz Bintray Repo" at ""
How to define tasks?
- Defination
val gitCommitCountTask = taskKey[String]("Prints commit count of the current branch")
gitCommitCountTask := {
val branch = Process("git symbolic-ref -q HEAD").lines.head.replace("refs/heads/","")
val commitCount = Process(s"git rev-list --count $branch").lines.head
println(s"total number of commits on [$branch]: $commitCount")
- Depend other task, just use other task key like a function
val logTask = taskKey[String]("log the commit count")
gitCommitCountTask := {
val commitCount = gitCommitCountTask.value
println(s"Info: $commitCount")
You can find all the task by following command
sbt tasks
How to publish package?
sbt build
sbt test
sbt run
sbt package
How to write main method?
App trait
object Hello extends Greeting with App { println(greeting) }
Object main method
object Hello1 extends Greeting { def main(args:Array[String]): Unit = { println(greeting) } }
How to write test?
import org.scalatest.FunSuite class SetSuite extends FunSuite { test("An empty Set should have size 0") { assert(Set.empty.size == 0) } test("Invoking head on an empty Set should produce NoSuchElementException") { assertThrows[NoSuchElementException] { Set.empty.head } } }
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec class SetSpec extends FlatSpec { "An empty Set" should "have size 0" in { assert(Set.empty.size == 0) } it should "produce NoSuchElementException when head is invoked" in { assertThrows[NoSuchElementException] { Set.empty.head } } }
import org.scalatest.FunSpec class SetSpec extends FunSpec { describe("A Set") { describe("when empty") { it("should have size 0") { assert(Set.empty.size == 0) } it("should produce NoSuchElementException when head is invoked") { assertThrows[NoSuchElementException] { Set.empty.head } } } } }
import org.scalatest.WordSpec class SetSpec extends WordSpec { "A Set" when { "empty" should { "have size 0" in { assert(Set.empty.size == 0) } "produce NoSuchElementException when head is invoked" in { assertThrows[NoSuchElementException] { Set.empty.head } } } } }
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec class SetSpec extends FreeSpec { "A Set" - { "when empty" - { "should have size 0" in { assert(Set.empty.size == 0) } "should produce NoSuchElementException when head is invoked" in { assertThrows[NoSuchElementException] { Set.empty.head } } } } }
import org.scalatest._import prop._import scala.collection.immutable._ class SetSpec extends PropSpec with TableDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers { val examples = Table("set", BitSet.empty, HashSet.empty[Int], TreeSet.empty[Int]) property("an empty Set should have size 0") { forAll(examples) { set => set.size should be(0) } } property("invoking head on an empty set should produce NoSuchElementException") { forAll(examples) { set => a[NoSuchElementException] should be thrownBy { set.head } } } }
import org.scalatest._ class TVSet { private var on: Boolean = false def isOn: Boolean = on def pressPowerButton() { on = !on } } class TVSetSpec extends FeatureSpec with GivenWhenThen { info("As a TV set owner") info ("I want to be able to turn the TV on and off") info ("So I can watch TV when I want") info ("And save energy when I'm not watching TV") feature("TV power button") { scenario("User presses power button when TV is off") { Given("a TV set that is switched off") val tv = new TVSet assert (!tv.isOn) When("the power button is pressed") tv.pressPowerButton() Then("the TV should switch on") assert (tv.isOn) } scenario("User presses power button when TV is on") { Given("a TV set that is switched on") val tv = new TVSet tv.pressPowerButton() assert (tv.isOn) When("the power button is pressed") tv.pressPowerButton() Then("the TV should switch off") assert (!tv.isOn) } } }
RefSpec (JVM only)
import org.scalatest.refspec.RefSpec class SetSpec extends RefSpec { object `A Set` { object `when empty` { def `should have size 0` { assert(Set.empty.size == 0) } def `should produce NoSuchElementException when head is invoked` { assertThrows[NoSuchElementException] { Set.empty.head } } } } }