14 minute read

When we talk about Free Monad, almost everyone just tell us Free Monad can split the definition and implementation of program which is more flexible and easy to test. But this is just the result of using Free Monad, no one tell us why we need it and how it was created.

In this blog, we will try to find out the motivation of Free Monad in code level and infer it by ourself.


Let’s begin with a simple question, how do you make this function pure?

def copy(from: String, to: String): Boolean = {
  try {
    val content = Source.fromFile(from).mkString
    val file = new File(to)
    val bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))
  } catch {
   case _ => false

In Algebraic Data Type, we talked about how to make a function pure, let’s try it on the copy function.

This function copies one file to another location. According to What is Functional Programming?,There are 2 effects in this function

  • Read file
  • Write file

So we can define an ADT like this

sealed trait FileOps[A]
case class ReadFile(path:String) extends FileOps[String]
case class SaveFile(path:String, content:String) extends FileOps[Boolean]

Then the copy function can be refined by the ADT

def copy(from:String, to:String):FileOps[Boolean] = {
  SaveFile(to, ???)

But there are two problems here:

  • We don’t know the content of SaveFile.

    In the non-pure copy, we got the content from the return value of Source.fromFile, but this is a function with Side-Effect, we replace it with ReadFile effect. The ReadFile effect is just a message to the outside of function and won’t do the real io work, so we can’t get the file content from it.

  • The ReadFile effect is ignored by the return expression.

    Not like the div function in Algebraic Data Type which just return one effect DivResult or ExceptionResult. For the pure copy function, we expect the return type contains two effects: ReadFile and SaveFile, not only the SaveFile. And these two effects should happens in order, we can’t imagine a copy do save operation first, it can’t save anything before read the content.

Now we know our ADT can’t make the copy function pure, we need the ADT represent not only multiple effects, but also the order of effects.

What should we do?


Obviously the simplest way to represent ordered elements is to use Array like model

case class OrderedEffect[A, B](effect1:FileOps[A], effect2:FileOps[B]) extends FileOps[B]

But effect1 and effect2 are not independent, effect2 may use the return value of effect1. To represent the dependent relationship, we can define effect2 always depends on effect1, and use a callback function to represent it.

case class OrderedEffect[A, B](effect1:FileOps[A], effect2Callback: A => FileOps[B]) extends FileOps[B]

This effect has two meanings:

  • The evaluated value of this effect is B which can be a primitive data or the return value of non-pure operations represented by this effect.

  • When we evaluate this effect, we need to evaluate effect1 first, then pass the return value to effect2Callback function, and evaluate the returned effect2

evaluate effect means running the non-pure operations represented by the effect.

Then our ADT becomes

sealed trait FileOps[A]
case class ReadFile(path:String) extends FileOps[String]
case class SaveFile(path:String, content:String) extends FileOps[Boolean]
case class OrderedEffect[A, B](effect1:FileOps[A], effect2Callback: A => FileOps[B]) extends FileOps[B]

And the copy function can be pure now

def copy(from: String, to: String): FileOps[Boolean] = {
  OrderedEffect[String, Boolean](ReadFile(from), (content:String) => SaveFile(to, content))

Looks all good for now, but according to Monad, our ADT need to implement map and flatMap to remove duplication.

Let’s try

def flatMap[A, B](fa: FileOps[A])(f: A => FileOps[B]): FileOps[B] = fa match {
  case ReadFile(path) => 
    val content = Source.fromFile(path).mkString
  case SaveFile(path, content) => try {
    val file = new File(path)
    val bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))
  } catch {
    case e => 
  case OrderedEffect(effect1, f1) =>
    OrderedEffect(effect1, (x: Any) => flatMap(f1(x))(f))
def map[A, B](fa: FileOps[A])(f: A => B): FileOps[B] = fa match {
  case ReadFile(path) => 
    val content = Source.fromFile(path).mkString
  case SaveFile(path, content) => try {
    val file = new File(path)
    val bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))
  } catch {
    case e => 
  case OrderedEffect(effect1, f1) => 
    OrderedEffect(effect1, (x:Any) => map(f1(x))(f))

Except for Side-Effect, flatMap looks good, we can give it a definite implementation.

But We got a problem in map, we don’t know which effect should be returned when processing ReadFile and SaveFile.

  • For ReadFile,
    • Could we return ReadFile again?

      No, we can’t read a file twice, it will fall into the dead loop, we will read file for ever.

    • Could we return SaveFile?

      No, we don’t know where to save the file and we even don’t know what’s the real type of B which may be not a String.

  • For SaveFile
    • Could we return ReadFile?

      No, which file should we read?

    • Could we return SaveFile again?

      No, we can’t save a file twice, it will fall into the dead loop, we will save file for ever.

Seems the only solution is to return OrderedEffect, but f: A => B is a inborn pure function, can’t be passed to f: A => FileOps[B]. If we can convert B to FileOps[B], it may work.

Let’s add an effect like Some to our ADT

case class NoEffect[A](v: A) extends FileOps[A]

Then we can implement map like this

def map[A, B](fa: FileOps[A])(f: A => B): FileOps[B] = fa match {
  case ReadFile(path) => 
    OrderedEffect(fa, (x:A) => NoEffect(f(x)))
  case SaveFile(path, content) =>
    OrderedEffect(fa, (x:A) => NoEffect(f(x)))
  case NoEffect(v) => NoEffect(f(v))
  case OrderedEffect(effect1, f1) => 
    OrderedEffect(effect1, (x:Any) => map(f1(x))(f))

Ok, now map is implemented and pure. let’s go back and see how to remove the Side-Effect of flatMap.

Luckily we can do it easily, because the signature of flatMap looks very similar to the definition of OrderedEffect.

def flatMap[A, B](fa: FileOps[A])(f: A => FileOps[B]): FileOps[B] = fa match {
  case NoEffect(v) => f(v)
  case _ => OrderedEffect(fa, f)

Let’s put them together.

sealed trait FileOps[A]
case class ReadFile(path:String) extends FileOps[String]
case class SaveFile(path:String, content:String) extends FileOps[Boolean]
case class OrderedEffect[A, B](effect1:FileOps[A], effect2Callback: A => FileOps[B]) extends FileOps[B]
case class NoEffect[A](v: A) extends FileOps[A]

def map[A, B](fa: FileOps[A])(f: A => B): FileOps[B] = fa match {
  case ReadFile(path) => 
    OrderedEffect(fa, (x:A) => NoEffect(f(x)))
  case SaveFile(path, content) =>
    OrderedEffect(fa, (x:A) => NoEffect(f(x)))
  case NoEffect(v) => NoEffect(f(v))
  case OrderedEffect(effect1, f1) => 
    OrderedEffect(effect1, (x:Any) => map(f1(x))(f))

def flatMap[A, B](fa: FileOps[A])(f: A => FileOps[B]): FileOps[B] = fa match {
  case NoEffect(v) => f(v)
  case _ => OrderedEffect(fa, f)

def copy(from:String, to:String):FileOps[Boolean] = {
  OrderedEffect[String, Boolean](ReadFile(from), (content:String) => SaveFile(to, content))

Please recall the purpose of Functional Programming, we are not to remove the Side-Effect totally, we just want to centralize the Side-Effect. Here what we want is not just get the ADT from copy, we want to copy a file to another location, which mean we want the Side-Effect happens, eventually.

So we need to evaluate the effect of ADT, the intuitional implementation looks like this

def run[A](fa: FileOps[A]): A = fa match {
  case ReadFile(path) => 
  case SaveFile(path, content) => try {
    val file = new File(path)
    val bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))
  } catch {
    case e => 
  case OrderedEffect(effect1, f1) => 
  case NoEffect(v) => v

Then our main function may looks like this

def main(args: Array[String]):Unit = {
  val program: FileOps[Boolean] = copy('a.txt', 'b.txt')



Assume we also want to make this div function pure

def div(x: Double, y: Double): Double = {
  if(y == 0){
   println(s"/ by zero")
   throw new Exception("/ by zero")

According to the previous section, we may define the ADT like this

trait Response[+A]
case class Success[A](v: A) extends Response[A]
case class Error(message: String) extends Response[Nothing]
case class Log(message: String) extends Response[Unit]
case class ResponseOrderedEffect[A, B](effect1: Response[A], effect2Callback: A => Response[B]) extends Response[B]
case class ResponseNoEffect[A](v: A) extends Response[A]

Then the div function can be pure

def div(x: Double, y: Double): Response[Double] = {
  if(y ==0 ) {
    ResponseOrderedEffect(Log("/ by zero"), _ => Error("/ by zero"))

And the map and flatMap of Response can be implemented like this

def flatMap[A, B](fa: Response[A])(f: A => Response[B]): Response[B] = fa match {
  case ResponseNoEffect(v) => f(v)
  case _ => ResponseOrderedEffect(fa, f)
def map[A, B](fa: Response[A])(f: A => B): Response[B] = fa match {
  case Success(v) => 
  case Error(e) => 
  case Log(m) =>
    OrderedEffect(fa, (x:A) => NoEffect(f(x)))
  case ResponseNoEffect(v) =>
  case OrderedEffect(effect1, f1) => 
    ResponseOrderedEffect(effect1, (x:A) => map(f1(x))(f))

Then evaluate the Response

def run[A](fa: Response[A]): A = fa match {
  case Success(v) => 
  case Error(e) => 
    throw new Exception(e)
  case Log(m) =>
  case ResponseOrderedEffect(effect1, f1) => 
  case ResponseNoEffect(v) => v

We found both the Response ADT and FileOps ADT have NoEffect and OrderedEffect. And the behavior of these two effects in map, flatMap and run are same. Could we remove the duplication?

In terms of the usage of OrderedEffect, it can be used on any effect to represent the ordered effects, so we may create an special ADT to extract this part.

The intuitional implementation is

trait EffectRelation[F[_], A]
case class OrderedEffect[F[_], A, B](fa: F[A], f: A => F[B]) extends EffectRelation[F, B]
case class NoEffect[F[_], A](a: A) extends EffectRelation[F, A]

Here we just use F[_] to replace the initial ADT. But there is a restriction on f: A => F[B], the returned type F[_] cannot represent the ordered effects, which will make the implementation of f painful.

So let’s do a minor change, change f: A => F[B] to f: A => EffectRelation[F, B], then f will be more flexible.

trait EffectRelation[F[_], A]
case class OrderedEffect[F[_], A, B](fa: F[A], f: A => EffectRelation[F, B]) extends EffectRelation[F, B]
case class NoEffect[F[_], A](a: A) extends EffectRelation[F, A]

Because we don’t know the exact type of F, we need a callback function to help us to evaluate the EffectRelation, it may looks like this

def run[F[_], A](fa: EffectRelation[A], runF: F[A] => A): A = fa match {
  case OrderedEffect(effect1, f1) => 
    run(f1(runF(effect1)), runF)
  case NoEffect(v) => v

But the function can not be compiled, runF here need an input F[A], the type of effect1 may be not F[A](most of time it’s not F[A]), it may be any type. So for runF, it should be able to process any type, not only A in run. if we define a function for runF, it should looks like this

def runF[F[_], A](fa: F[A]): A = ???

What’s the type of this function? Here we need to use the Type lambdas of Scala

({ type T[A] = F[A] => A })#T

Then the run becomes

def run[F[_], A](fa: EffectRelation[A], runF: ({ type T[C] = F[C] => A })#T): A = fa match {
  case OrderedEffect(effect1, f1) => 
    run(f1(runF(effect1)), runF)
  case NoEffect(v) => v

We can also define map and flatMap for EffectRelation which are just parts of implementing FileOps and Response.

def map[F[_], A, B](fa:EffectRelation[F[_], A])(f: A => B): EffectRelation[F[_], B] = fa match {
  case OrderedEffect(effect1, f1) =>
    OrderedEffect(effect1, (x:Any) => map(f1(x))(f))
  case NoEffect(v) => NoEffect(f(v))

def flatMap[F[_], A, B](fa:EffectRelation[F[_], A])(f: A => EffectRelation[F[_],B]): EffectRelation[F[_], B] = fa match {
  case OrderedEffect(effect1, f1) =>
    OrderedEffect(effect1, (x:Any) => flatMap(f1(x))(f))
  case NoEffect(v) => f(v)

After extract the EffectRelation ADT, the FileOps just need to define ReadFile and SaveFile effects, and supply a function to evaluate itself.

sealed trait FileOps[A]
case class ReadFile(path:String) extends FileOps[String]
case class SaveFile(path:String, content:String) extends FileOps[Boolean]

def runFileOps[A](fa: FileOps[A]): A = fa match {
  case ReadFile(path) => 
  case SaveFile(path, content) => try {
    val file = new File(path)
    val bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))
  } catch {
    case e => 

To represent the ordered FileOps, we need to convert the FileOps to EffectRelation.

type FileOpsEffectRelation[A] = EffectRelation[FileOps, A]

def readFile(path:String): FileOpsEffectRelation[String] = 
  OrderedEffect[FileOps,String, String](ReadFile(path), (content:String) => NoEffect(content))

def saveFile(path:String, content:String): FileOpsEffectRelation[Boolean] = 
  OrderedEffect[FileOps,Boolean, Boolean](SaveFile(path, concent), (success:Boolean) => NoEffect(success))

Then copy becomes

def copy(from:String, to:String):FileOpsEffectRelation[Boolean] = for {
  content <- readFile(from)
  success <- saveFile(to, content)
} yield success

And main will looks like this

def main(args: Array[String]):Unit = {
  val program: FileOpsEffectRelation[Boolean] = copy('a.txt', 'b.txt')

  run(program, runFileOps)

Sometimes we also want to make the runF pure, so we may define an ADT G[_] to achieve this. Then the type of runF will become

({ type T[A] = F[A] => G[A] })#T

And the run of EffectRelation becomes

def run[F[_], G[_], A](fa: EffectRelation[A], runF: ({ type T[C] = F[C] => G[C] })#T): G[A] = fa match {
  case OrderedEffect(effect1, f1) => 
  case NoEffect(v) => v

But this function can’t compile now,

  • If f1 requires C, runF returns G[C] which is not matched.
  • v is A which does not match G[A]

To make the code work, G[_] need to be a Monad here.

def run[F[_], G[_]: Monad, A](fa: EffectRelation[A], runF: ({ type T[C] = F[C] => G[C] })#T): G[A] = fa match {
  case OrderedEffect(effect1, f1) => 
    val fa1:G[Any] = runF(effect1)
    fa1.flatMap((x:Any) => run(f1(x), runF))
  case NoEffect(v) => Monad[G].pure(v) 

Actually this function still support runF with type

({ type T[A] = F[A] => A })#T

Because we can give A an alias Id[A] to change its kind to G[_] and it’s a inborn Monad.

type Id[A] = A 

We can also give the type of runF an alias to make it more readable

type ~>[F[_],G[_]] = ({ type T[A] = F[A] => G[A] })#T

Then the run of EffectRelation becomes

def run[F[_], G[_]: Monad, A](fa: EffectRelation[A], runF: F ~> G): G[A] = fa match {
  case OrderedEffect(effect1, f1) => 
    val fa1:G[Any] = runF(effect1)
    fa1.flatMap((x:Any) => run(f1(x), runF))
  case NoEffect(v) => Monad[G].pure(v) 

Now let’s do a simple rename work

  • EffectRelation => Free
  • OrderedEffect => Impure
  • NoEffect => Pure

Then we can get the definition of Free Monad

trait Free[F[_], A]
case class Impure[F[_], A, B](fa: F[A], f: A => Free[F, B]) extends Free[F, B]
case class Pure[F[_], A](a: A) extends Free[F, A]

def run[F[_], G[_]: Monad, A](fa: Free[A], runF: F ~> G): G[A] = fa match {
  case Impure(effect1, f1) => 
    val fa1:G[Any] = runF(effect1)
    fa1.flatMap((x:Any) => run(f1(x), runF))
  case Pure(v) => Monad[G].pure(v)

def map[F[_], A, B](fa:Free[F[_], A])(f: A => B): Free[F[_], B] = fa match {
  case Impure(effect1, f1) =>
    Impure(effect1, (x:Any) => map(f1(x))(f))
  case Pure(v) => Pure(f(v))

def flatMap[F[_], A, B](fa:Free[F[_], A])(f: A => Free[F[_],B]): Free[F[_], B] = fa match {
  case Impure(effect1, f1) =>
    Impure(effect1, (x:Any) => flatMap(f1(x))(f))
  case Pure(v) => f(v)

Here we don’t have any restriction for F[_] which mean it may not be a Functor or Monad. What if we require it’s a Functor? We found we can make Impure simpler, because we can apply f directly to fa with map, then the type will be F[Free[F, B]] and Free Monad become

trait Free[F[_], A]
case class Impure[F[_], A](fa: F[Free[F, A]]) extends Free[F, A]
case class Pure[F[_], A](a: A) extends Free[F, A]

def run[F[_], G[_]:Monad, A](fa: Free[A], runF: F ~> G): G[A] = fa match {
  case Impure(f1) => 
    val fa1: G[Free[F, A]] = runF(f1)
    fa1.flatMap((x: Free[F, A]) => run(x, runF))
  case Pure(v) => Monad[G].pure(v)

def map[F[_]:Functor, A, B](fa:Free[F[_], A])(f: A => B): Free[F[_], B] = fa match {
  case Impure(f1) =>
    val fa1: F[Free[F, B]] = f1.map((x:Free[F, A]) => map(x)(f) )
  case Pure(v) => Pure(f(v))

def flatMap[F[_]:Functor, A, B](fa:Free[F[_], A])(f: A => Free[F[_],B]): Free[F[_], B] = fa match {
  case Impure(f1) =>
    val fa1: F[Free[F, B]] = f1.map((x:Free[F, A]) => flatMap(x)(f) )
  case Pure(v) => f(v)


Returning ordered effects is a common requirement when making a function pure, so we extract an ADT EffectRelation to help one ADT to achieve this. The definition of EffectRelation can be different depend on the restriction of target ADT.

  • For the ADT with no restriction, we call the implementation Freer Monad
    trait Free[F[_], A]
    case class Impure[F[_], A, B](fa: F[A], f: A => Free[F, B]) extends Free[F, B]
    case class Pure[F[_], A](a: A) extends Free[F, A]
  • For the ADT with Functor requirement, we call the implementation Free Monad
    trait Free[F[_], A]
    case class Impure[F[_], A](fa: F[Free[F, A]]) extends Free[F, A]
    case class Pure[F[_], A](a: A) extends Free[F, A]

Cats implement the Freer Monad, but they call it Free, we will follow this convention.

With Free Monad, we can convert any ADT to Monad by wrapping them in Free. This feature is a game changer, previously we create ADT according to the implementation of function, now we can create ADT at will, then use the ADT to compose function.

Also with the callback function runF, it’s possible to pass different runF to the same evaluation of ADT, which mean we split the definition and implementation of program. This is very useful in test, we can pass the runF with real io in main but pass the runF with mock data in test.

Our implementation of Free is simple, we didn’t consider performance and stack overflow. To avoid the stack overflow, we need to ensure map, flatMap and run are tail recursion which need the technique called Trampoline

You may also find there are some places in which we used Any type, for example

def map[F[_], A, B](fa:EffectRelation[F[_], A])(f: A => B): EffectRelation[F[_], B] = fa match {
  case OrderedEffect(effect1, f1) =>
    OrderedEffect(effect1, (x:Any) => map(f1(x))(f))
  case NoEffect(v) => NoEffect(f(v))

The reason is OrderedEffect lose the return type A of effect1 when we convert OrderedEffect to EffectRelation

case class OrderedEffect[A, B](effect1:EffectRelation,[A], effect2Callback: A => EffectRelation[B]) extends EffectRelation[B]

But using Any is still type safe here, because we have strong type restriction when constructing OrderedEffect

Free Monad is powerful, but it also has limitation. We can not use Free Monad with multiple independent ADT together. if we want to use them together, we need to unify their types and merge their runF first. There are some techniques can help us do this, such as Eff, EitherK.

Hope this blog can help you understand Free Monad, have fun in the sea of FP!
