5 minute read

In this blog, we will talk about Algebraic Data Type in Scala and try to find out why we need it.


Say we have a function like this

We know it’s not a pure function, because it throw exception when y equals 0.

To use Functional Programming in our program, we need to make it to be pure.

How should we do?


According to the definition of pure function, to make a function to be pure, we need to eliminate the Side-Effect.

But we don’t want to lose the effect given by the exception, So we need to make the effect of exception returned by the return-expression.

Then the function should look like this

def div(x: Double, y: Double): Double = {
  if(y == 0) 
    new Exception("/ by zero")

Unfortunately, this code can’t be compiled, because the type of return-expression is Any which can’t be assigned to the expected type Double.

We definitely can change the return type to be Any

def div(x: Double, y: Double): Any = {
  if(y == 0) 
    new Exception("/ by zero")

it can be compiled, but the type checking is too weak, compiler can’t help us if we make mistake like this

def div(x: Double, y: Double): Any = {
  if(y == 0) 
    new Exception("/ by zero")

All the existing consumers of div use its result as Double, but we return String here and it can be compiled, then we can only find the bug in running time.

So we have two requirements here

  • The function should be able to return two different effects which have different types.
  • Keep the type checking strong.

To achieve them, we need to find out the nearest parent type of these effects and set it to be the return type of function.

Both Exception and Double are primitive types, their common parent type is Any, which make the type checking weak then can’t be used.

What should we do now?

Now that we can’t use the primitive type, how about use another custom type to wrap them? then we can give the custom types an common parent type. Let’s try.

Firstly, wrap all the effects we want to return with custom type

case class DivResult(v: Double)
case class ExceptionResult(e: Exception)

And give them a parent type

trait Result
case class DivResult(v: Double) extends Result
case class ExceptionResult(e: Exception) extends Result

Then the div function can be refactored like this

def div(x: Double, y: Double): Result = {
  if(y == 0) 
    ExceptionResult(new Exception("/ by zero"))

It works! we can return Exception and Double together and use the custom type to make the type checking still strong.

And if we want to return more information for one effect, we can just modify the corresponding custom type.

For example, if we want to return the input parameter together with Exception, we can refine the custom types like this

trait Result
case class DivResult(v: Double) extends Result
case class ExceptionResult(e: Exception, parameter: (Double, Double)) extends Result
def div(x: Double, y: Double): Result = {
  if(y == 0) 
    ExceptionResult(new Exception("/ by zero"), (x, y))


We know we can return more information for given effect by refining the custom type, but how do you know what’s the future requirements?

Is there what we can do to make the custom type more generic?

Now that we don’t know what information should be returned for given effect and we definitely know which effect should be returned for given scenario, how about we just leave the information of effect to be generic?

Let’s see if we can make it

trait Result[E, A]
case class DivResult[E, A](v: A) extends Result[E, A]
case class ExceptionResult[E, A](e: E) extends Result[E, A]

Then we can refactor the div function more flexiable

def div(x: Double, y: Double): Result[Exception, Double] = {
  if(y == 0) 
    ExceptionResult[Exception, Double](new Exception("/ by zero"))
    DivResult[Exception, Double](x/y)
def div(x: Double, y: Double): Result[(Exception, (Double, Double)), Double] = {
  if(y == 0) 
    ExceptionResult[(Exception, (Double, Double)), Double]((new Exception("/ by zero"), (x, y)))
    DivResult[(Exception, (Double, Double)), Double](x/y)

We know sqrt have the same type of effects with div, then we can also refine it

def sqrt(x: Double): Result[Exception, Double] = {
  if(x < 0) 
    ExceptionResult[Exception, Double](new Exception("sqrt by negative"))
    DivResult[Exception, Double](Math.sqrt(x))

Hmm, it can be compiled, but our function is sqrt, the return type is DivResult, it doesn’t make sense.

We need to make the name of custom type more generic. Now that we only return one effect at the same time and each effect only use one type parameter, let’s refine the custom type like this

trait Either[E, A]
case class Right[E, A](v: A) extends Either[E, A]
case class Left[E, A](e: E) extends Either[E, A]

Then we can refine div and sqrt like this

def div(x: Double, y: Double): Either[Exception, Double] = {
  if(y == 0) 
    Left[Exception, Double](new Exception("/ by zero"))
    Right[Exception, Double](x/y)
def sqrt(x: Double): Either[Exception, Double] = {
  if(x < 0) 
    Left[Exception, Double](new Exception("sqrt by negative"))
    Right[Exception, Double](Math.sqrt(x))

Bingo! This is Either monad, we will talk about it more in the future.


  • To make all the effects of function retuned by return-expression and make the type checking strong, we create custom type to wrap primitive types

    trait Result
    case class DivResult(v: Double) extends Result
    case class ExceptionResult(e: Exception) extends Result
  • To make the custom type more generic, we use type parameter to refine it

    trait Result[E, A]
    case class DivResult[E, A](v: A) extends Result[E, A]
    case class ExceptionResult[E, A](e: E) extends Result[E, A]
  • To let the name of custom type make more sense, we refine its name

    trait Either[E, A]
    case class Right[E, A](v: A) extends Either[E, A]
    case class Left[E, A](e: E) extends Either[E, A]

Ok, this is Algebraic Data Type

  • For the signle effect Right or Left, we call it as Product Type which contains the detailed information of effect.
  • For Either Right and Left, we call the inheritance relationship between them as Sum Type which can be used to unify the type of effect.
  • We call Product Type and Sum Type together as Algebraic Data Type

Let’s recall how to make a function to be pure

  • Find out what effect the function send to outside
    • The result of division when y is not zero
    • Exception when y is zero
  • For each effect, create a corresponding Product Type for it

    case class DivResult(v: Double)
    case class ExceptionResult(e: Exception)
  • To unify the type of differnt effects, create Sum Type to give the effects a common parent type

    trait Result
    case class DivResult(v: Double) extends Result
    case class ExceptionResult(e: Exception) extends Result
  • Refactor the function to use the Algebraic Data Type as return type

    def div(x: Double, y: Double): Result = {
      if(y == 0) 
        ExceptionResult(new Exception("/ by zero"))

Using this procedure, we can get lots of generic Algebraic Data Type, such as Option, Either, IO, Reader, Writer, State etc. We will talk about which type of function can use them to be pure laterly.
