5 minute read

Blog is a good place to share your knowledge, enhance your skills. It’s pretty cool to have your own blog website.

A good blog should have the following features:

  • Markdown

    Markdown is a popular tool to compose document, its syntax is clear and very easy to use. In this chapter, we will use Kramdown

  • Profile

    Profile is very important, people can know who you are and contact you.

  • Index

    Good index can give better experience to your reader

  • SEO

    To let more people know your blog, you may want people can search your blog on Google, Bing or other seach engine, so you need a proper SEO setting for them.

  • Monitoring

    A good monitoring of blog can let us know how many people visited our blog, which blog is most popular, how much money our blog worth.

  • Comments

    Comments is a good place to disucss the content of blog with other people, you can get better feedback and do it better and better.

Now let’s see how to set up a blog site step by step


We will use GitHub Pages to host our blog, the first step we need to do is creating a new repo named **<name>.github.io **, such as

Then enable the GitHub Pages on this repo, here we select the master branch as the source of blog

After these two steps, you can visit your blog from http://<name>.github.io, of course you will find it’s an empty page.

Now let’s see how to set up the basic page of blog. the backend of GitHub Pages is jekyell, the directory structure of jekyell project looks like this

|--_include    # header,footer,scripts
|--_posts      # blogs
|--_data       # navigation settings
|--_page       # custom pages
|--_config.yml # main configuration
|--Gemfile     # dependencies
|--index.html  # main page

Currently we will just need _config.yml, Gemfile and index.html, they will give us one simple blog page.

Although GitHub Pages already integrated some themes, but here we will use one thrid party theme called minimal-mistakes, it has a very good document and support kramdown

For Gemfile, we need following dependencies

source 'https://rubygems.org'

gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins # this requied by GitHub Pages
gem "jekyll-compose", group: :jekyll_plugins # this lib supply lots of useful utility methods

For index.html, we need following content


For _config.yml, we need a template from here, read this template carefully, it contains everything we need to know. after download this basic configuration, we need to change the theme as following

#theme                    : "minimal-mistakes-jekyll"
remote_theme             : "mmistakes/minimal-mistakes"

To have a default layout for the home page and post page, we can add the following settings to _config.yml

  # _posts
  - scope:
      path: ""
      type: posts
      layout: single
      # show your profile
      author_profile: true 
      # show the read time estimation
      read_time: true 
      # show the comments
      comments: true
      # show the table of content
      toc: true
      # show the share button
      share: true
      # show the related blog
      related: true
  # _pages
  - scope:
      path: ""
      type: pages
      layout: single
      author_profile: true

Now push these three file to your blog repo, then visit http://<name>.github.io, you should see a basic blog page.

After this section, we have a basic infrastructure, We will refine it in the following sections


minimal-mistakes have strong support for profile, you can set the name of your blog, upload your portrait, add the link of your GitHub, LinkIn etc. everything you need to do is changing the file _config.yml, here is an example

title                    : "Demo"
title_separator          : "-"
name                     : "Demo Blog"
description              : "Enjoy Your Life"
url                      : "http://example.com"
repository               : "example/example.github.io" 
  name             : "Tom"
  avatar           : "/images/bio-photo.jpeg"
  bio              : "Everything is good"
  location         : "Earth"
  email            : example@gmail.com
  github           : example
  linkedin         : "example-1111"


We usually use tag, category or year to group our blogs, so it’s a good experience for reader to list your blogs by tag, category or year. To do this, we need to add some custom pages in folder _page and add links in navigation to link to these pages in folder _data.

For custom pages, you can refer these example

For navigation, you can refer this example


To have a better SEO, you should verify your website using Meta tag method and put your verification code in _config.yml, here we just give an example of Google

google_site_verification : "<verification id>"


Google Analytics is a good tool to monitor your website, you just need to register you website and get the tracking id, then put it in the _config.yml

  provider               : "google"
    tracking_id          : "<tracking id>"

Then you can see a beautiful dashboard on Google Analytics for your website, looks like this


Disqus is a very popular tool to manage your comments, you can register your website and get a short name of disqus, then add it in _config.yml like this

  provider               : "disqus"
    shortname            : "<shortname>"

Then you can see the comments on your blog like this


After these settings, you can begin to compose your post. the name of post should follow pattern YYYY-MM-dd-<name>.md, to simplify the workflow we can use the utility method of jekyll-compose like this

  • Genrate a draft post

    $ bundle exec rake jekyll draft <post name>

    The <post name>.md file will be created in folder _drafts

  • Add the title, layout, tags and categories in the Front Matter of posts

    title: Demo
      - Blog
      - Tutorial

    Note that we already added the default settings of post in the Infrastructuresection, the settings in posts will overwrite the default one.

  • Review the post in the local environment

    $ bundle exec rake jekyll serve --drafts

    You can access your blog from http://localhost:4000

  • Publish this post

    $ bundle exec rake jekyll publish _drafts/<post name>

    This command will move the post to folder _posts and rename it to the pattern YYYY-MM-dd-<name>.md

  • Finally you can commit this post to your git repo and access it online

minimal-mistakes also support lots of other features, such as search, pagination and themes. you can go through its document and try them on your website. Hope this blog is useful for you.


